quadratic$65946$ - traduzione in olandese
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quadratic$65946$ - traduzione in olandese

Quadratic surd; Quadratic irrationality; Quadratic Irrational Number; Quadratic irrationalities; Quadratic irrational; Quadratic irrational numbers

n. kwadraat
quadratic equation         
  • Carlyle circle of the quadratic equation ''x''<sup>2</sup>&nbsp;&minus;&nbsp;''sx''&nbsp;+&nbsp;''p''&nbsp;=&nbsp;0.
  • ''x''<sup>2</sup> + ''bx'' + ''c'' {{=}} 0}} compared with the value calculated using the quadratic formula
  • ''xc''}} is 0.732050807569, accurate to twelve significant figures.
  • a}} value should be considered negative here, as its direction (downwards) is opposite to the height measurement (upwards).
  • alt=Figure 6. Geometric solution of eh x squared plus b x plus c = 0 using Lill's method. The geometric construction is as follows: Draw a trapezoid S Eh B C. Line S Eh of length eh is the vertical left side of the trapezoid. Line Eh B of length b is the horizontal bottom of the trapezoid. Line B C of length c is the vertical right side of the trapezoid. Line C S completes the trapezoid. From the midpoint of line C S, draw a circle passing through points C and S. Depending on the relative lengths of eh, b, and c, the circle may or may not intersect line Eh B. If it does, then the equation has a solution. If we call the intersection points X 1 and X 2, then the two solutions are given by negative Eh X 1 divided by S Eh, and negative Eh X 2 divided by S Eh.
  • alt=Figure 2 illustrates an x y plot of the quadratic function f of x equals x squared minus x minus 2. The x-coordinate of the points where the graph intersects the x-axis, x equals &minus;1 and x equals 2, are the solutions of the quadratic equation x squared minus x minus 2 equals zero.
  • ''x''}}-axis at all.
  • <!-- Note: The unusual spellings in this alt text (for example, "eh" for the constant "a" ) is intended to aid enunciation by screen readers. Before changing any alt text, please test your changes in multiple screen readers. -->alt=Figure 1. Plots of the quadratic function, y = eh x squared plus b x plus c, varying each coefficient separately while the other coefficients are fixed at values eh = 1, b = 0, c = 0. The left plot illustrates varying c. When c equals 0, the vertex of the parabola representing the quadratic function is centered on the origin, and the parabola rises on both sides of the origin, opening to the top. When c is greater than zero, the parabola does not change in shape, but its vertex is raised above the origin. When c is less than zero, the vertex of the parabola is lowered below the origin. The center plot illustrates varying b. When b is less than zero, the parabola representing the quadratic function is unchanged in shape, but its vertex is shifted to the right of and below the origin. When b is greater than zero, its vertex is shifted to the left of and below the origin. The vertices of the family of curves created by varying b follow along a parabolic curve. The right plot illustrates varying eh. When eh is positive, the quadratic function is a parabola opening to the top. When eh is zero, the quadratic function is a horizontal straight line. When eh is negative, the quadratic function is a parabola opening to the bottom.
Quadratic equations; Quadratic Equation; The Quadratic Equation; Quadratic model; Bhaskarachārya's Formula; Bhaskaracharya's Formula; ABC formula; Quadform; Quadratic solution formula; Quadratic Factoring Formula; Ax2+bx+c; Ax^2+bx+c; Ax2 + bx + c; Ax² + bx + c; Second degree equation; Second-degree equation; Ax^2+bx+c=0; Ax2+bx+c=0; Factoring a quadratic expression; Solving quadratic equations
kwadratische vergelijking (in wiskunde)
objective function         
Objective function; Criterion function; Risk function; Quadratic loss function; Squared error loss; Loss functions; Stochastic criterion function; 0-1 loss function; Zero-one loss function; 0-1 loss; Zero-one loss; Loss Functions
objectieve functie


¦ adjective Mathematics involving the second and no higher power of an unknown quantity or variable.
C17: from Fr. quadratique or mod. L. quadraticus, from quadratus, quadrare (see quadrate).


Quadratic irrational number

In mathematics, a quadratic irrational number (also known as a quadratic irrational, a quadratic irrationality or quadratic surd) is an irrational number that is the solution to some quadratic equation with rational coefficients which is irreducible over the rational numbers. Since fractions in the coefficients of a quadratic equation can be cleared by multiplying both sides by their least common denominator, a quadratic irrational is an irrational root of some quadratic equation with integer coefficients. The quadratic irrational numbers, a subset of the complex numbers, are algebraic numbers of degree 2, and can therefore be expressed as

a + b c d , {\displaystyle {a+b{\sqrt {c}} \over d},}

for integers a, b, c, d; with b, c and d non-zero, and with c square-free. When c is positive, we get real quadratic irrational numbers, while a negative c gives complex quadratic irrational numbers which are not real numbers. This defines an injection from the quadratic irrationals to quadruples of integers, so their cardinality is at most countable; since on the other hand every square root of a prime number is a distinct quadratic irrational, and there are countably many prime numbers, they are at least countable; hence the quadratic irrationals are a countable set.

Quadratic irrationals are used in field theory to construct field extensions of the field of rational numbers Q. Given the square-free integer c, the augmentation of Q by quadratic irrationals using c produces a quadratic field Q(c). For example, the inverses of elements of Q(c) are of the same form as the above algebraic numbers:

d a + b c = a d b d c a 2 b 2 c . {\displaystyle {d \over a+b{\sqrt {c}}}={ad-bd{\sqrt {c}} \over a^{2}-b^{2}c}.}

Quadratic irrationals have useful properties, especially in relation to continued fractions, where we have the result that all real quadratic irrationals, and only real quadratic irrationals, have periodic continued fraction forms. For example

3 = 1.732 = [ 1 ; 1 , 2 , 1 , 2 , 1 , 2 , ] {\displaystyle {\sqrt {3}}=1.732\ldots =[1;1,2,1,2,1,2,\ldots ]}

The periodic continued fractions can be placed in one-to-one correspondence with the rational numbers. The correspondence is explicitly provided by Minkowski's question mark function, and an explicit construction is given in that article. It is entirely analogous to the correspondence between rational numbers and strings of binary digits that have an eventually-repeating tail, which is also provided by the question mark function. Such repeating sequences correspond to periodic orbits of the dyadic transformation (for the binary digits) and the Gauss map h ( x ) = 1 / x 1 / x {\displaystyle h(x)=1/x-\lfloor 1/x\rfloor } for continued fractions.